My new wellness blog!

Hi everyone!

I have decided that it’s time to do something about my overall wellness. It’s been years since I’ve exercised the way I should. I always have good intentions, but I have trouble following through. Part of that is due to the sheer volume of things I have to do in a day, part of it is my time management skills, and part of it is my fatigue and lack of energy. The irony is that most of that can be fixed by getting serious about overall health and wellness, but beginning is the hardest part. So, to help me to start and to add some accountability, I’ve decided to create this blog. My intentions for it are to keep track of my progress, to share the things that I’m learning about physical and mental health, and to hopefully inspire and encourage others to join me in the journey to achieve overall, genuine wellness. My overall goals on topics for this blog are as follows:

  1. I’m now an Independent Beachbody Coach. I’ll go into detail on another post on why I decided to join, but basically I think it will help me reach my goals while helping others reach theirs. I plan to write about my workouts every day, how I’m feeling before I do them, how I’m feeling after, results I’m seeing or not seeing. I’d just like to be really honest about my experience to give people an idea of what it’s really like.
  2. I’m studying at Penn State to be a psychologist. I’m not sure exactly which branch of psychology I’d like to go in at the moment. I’m still narrowing it down, but I’m learning a lot and sometimes there are things about mental health and self care that I learn and would love to share, so I’ll be writing about those things on here. I’m hoping some of it can help others as well.
  3. I’m also an Independent Norwex consultant. Another part of overall wellness is having a clean home. I love Norwex mostly because you can clean with only water, and I have very sensitive skin that reacts badly to harsh chemicals. It’s been a lot easier to keep my house clean since I’ve been using these products. I probably won’t write about this business on here too often, but occasionally I will, especially if I have a great before/after photo that I want to share.
  4. I’m working on minimizing/organizing my home. Clutter can affect mental health more than people probably realize, and I’ve been actively working on minimizing mine, so that will also be something I will write about. My house has come a LONG way in the past couple years. I’ve found that the less I clutter I have, the less time I spend cleaning, and it’s helped to lower my stress and anxiety levels.
  5. I’m moving self-care right to the top of my priority list, which is exactly where it should be. I used to think everyone else’s needs and wants should come before my needs, and my thoughts on that have changed. I’ve learned a lot about self-care over the past few years and just how extremely important it is when it comes to lowering stress and anxiety and preventing overwhelm, so I’ll be writing about that, too.
  6. I’m a medical transcriptionist, a single mom, and an owner of 3 cats. I’ll likely be writing about these topics here and there. Sometimes the doctors I transcribe for give some good advice, and it’s okay to vaguely pass that on as long as I don’t give any patient identifiers. Being a single mom and having so many cats can come with it’s own challenges, but my kids are awesome, so I usually end up being more frustrated with and stressed out by my cats than my kids. haha
  7. Finally, I’m very opinionated. I’ll occasionally write about whatever I feel a push to write about, but I’m going to try to keep those things within the “wellness” spectrum of topics. I’ll probably do some product reviews here and there, too. I also just wanted a 7th bullet point because I like the number 7. lol

I hope my experiences and knowledge with any or all of these things will help you in some way. I hope you’ll find the blog enjoyable, and if all else fails, I’m hoping it will keep me on track with my own overall wellness goals.

Thanks for reading!

April Kolesar 🙂

Disclaimer: The postings on my site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of Norwex or Beachbody and their brands.