#mbf Day 2 – Core Circuit

Yesterday, I started a new workout program called #mbf (Muscle Burns Fat). I felt like I did well with day 1, but I knew I worked hard and it’s showing today. My legs are in pain and I’ve been hobbling around all day, but it’s one of those good post-workout hurts, the kind that leads to results.

So, today I’m feeling thankful that I worked out yesterday and also thankful that it’s a core day and not another leg day. lol.

Before #mbf Day 2: It’s currently 6:48 p.m. I just got done with work, sort of ate a light snack, and now I’m drinking the Beachbody Performance Energize drink as I sit here, mentally preparing for this workout I’m about to do. I’m glad I have this energizing drink, too, because I really just feel like taking a nap. lol.

The only pain I’m really feeling today is in my legs. My thighs are definitely hurting, and I feel like a velociraptor every time I get out of my office chair, but I’m otherwise feeling good. I feel better than I did pre-workout yesterday, and I think yesterday’s workout actually helped my back. I rolled on my medium Chirp wheel this morning and usually I get a ton of cracks when I do that, but I only got maybe a couple tiny ones today. That’s a definite improvement. I’m excited to see what today’s workout brings, and now that this drink has kicked in, I’m ready to go.

1. BODrope.
This is used quite a lot, but you can technically do the workout without it. It’s definitely a good idea to get one if you’re able to, though.
2. Exercise mat. You do some work on the floor in this one, so for comfort reasons, it’s good to use one. I have one from Beachbody that I received when I bought the PiYo program probably 6 years ago, and it’s held up really well, so they’re worth the investment.
3. Towel and water. Pretty self explanatory. I took sips of water in between BODrope work and floor work and I NEEDED the water.
4. Paper and pen. This is for keeping track of the “AMRAP” exercises that I talk about below.

After #mbf Day 2: Holy moly. Another challenging workout and I think I might’ve pushed myself a little too hard on that one. lol. I’m feeling mild nausea at the moment, but like I said yesterday, I’m out of shape. I definitely should’ve modified things more than I did, but it was a great workout overall and my lungs feel really good, like I just went for a run and they are OPEN. My neck hurts a bit, but it always does when I do floor ab workouts. The good news with this workout was that only one of her exercises put strain on my neck. I was able to easily support my head with the others, so that’s a plus.

One thing I love about her workouts so far is the movements are really simple but they are CHALLENGING. I’m going to sleep well tonight for sure.

Another thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that I am terribly uncoordinated with the BODropes. I apparently really like to hit myself with them. lol. Thankfully, they don’t actually hurt and I’m confident I’ll stop that once I get used to using them. There’s a learning curve, though, and I’m at the bottom of it.

Favorite part of the workout: I like the cardio breaks in the middle. Even though it was more leg work, it really wasn’t that bad and the movements were fun. I did modify them toward the end though by doing a smaller range of motion.

Least favorite part of the workout: Mountain climbers. I hate them. lol.

AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible): 5. During the workout, she has you do several of the moves that were done using the BODropes over again, and the objective is to get as many reps in as possible, doing 4 of each move, one right after the other, with a short rest afterward to make a tally mark on paper to keep track of how many you do. I was able to do 5 of each and then stopped with about 30 seconds left because I was feeling pretty exhausted. The last set, I modified and made smaller movements. Leaving room for improvement for next time, I guess!

As for which exercises exactly were done during AMRAP, I’ll leave that as a surprise and you will just have to do the workout yourself to find out 😉 But I will say that they’re fun!

Overall, I think Day 2 was a success. My mild nausea is subsiding as I’m writing this, and I think I just need to be careful about how high my heart rate goes. I wear a Garmin Vivoactive 3 watch, so I’m able to monitor it at any time, and if it spikes past the max heart rate, I think it’s important to make sure I modify my movements at that point. I just need to remember to look at it!

Tomorrow is arm day, and I’m not looking forward to that one because I hate push-ups. lol. We’ll see how many of them she makes us do. I’m still weirdly looking forward to it though, because I’m truly enjoying these workouts so far. And my lungs feel so good right now. Wow.

Thanks for reading! Check back tomorrow night for another peak at my workout journal, and if you’d like to join me in my fitness journey and give #mbf or any of Beachbody’s other workouts a try, let me know!

April Kolesar 🙂
Independent Beachbody Coach

Please note: The postings on my blog are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of Beachbody and its brands.