
I am currently a Beachbody Independent Coach, and on this page, you’ll find links to my Beachbody website, as well as all of the programs and products that I talk about on my blog. I’m keeping all of the links on this page instead of the individual pages of the blogs in case the links change. It’s much easier to change links on one page than to comb through a ton of blog posts to change them individually, so each Beachbody link you see on my blog posts will take you directly to this page.

Before I get to the links, which you can find at the bottom of my page (Click here to jump straight to the links) , I want to share my story. I apologize for the length, but I’m wordy so it tends to happen with me. haha.

Why I choose to sign up for Beachbody on Demand:

I’ve been doing Beachbody programs (when I’ve exercised, off and on) for at least the last 15 years, probably more. I just love their trainers (shout out to Shaaauuuun T), and I’m someone who needs guided workouts. I’ve taken fitness classes where I’ve learned how to create comprehensive cardio, weight training, and flexibility programs; I’ve read a ton of information on different types of moves, what they do, how they work, etc.; but no matter how much fitness education I get, I just do better with an instructor in front of me, telling me exactly what to do, and that means I’m far more likely to stick with it.

Admittedly, over the past few years, I’ve not done so well with exercising. I have good intentions, but I have had trouble finding the willpower, time, and energy to even start an exercise program, let alone stick with it. Because of that, I’m currently out of shape, tired and aching all the time, and in desperate need of exercise. And it does. not. help. that my job is completely sedentary. I work from home on a computer.

Another reason I’ve had trouble sticking to exercising is that I had not added to my library of workout DVDs in 6 years and, frankly, I was quite bored with the ones I had, so I was never really excited about working out because I knew what waited for me was something I’d already done many times in the past.

Enter Beachbody on Demand, which is Beachbody’s fitness subscription service, kind of like Netflix for working out. At first, I was resistant to this service because I was used to buying DVDs and keeping them forever. I thought that’s where the real value was. So when I got bored with the ones I had, my first inclination was to look for another DVD program to buy. And then I realized that individual DVD programs are expensive. When I factored in that I feel bored with them after owning them for years and no longer feel like doing them, buying programs on DVD no longer made sense, so I took another look at Beachbody on Demand.

One of my initial qualms with the service was that I didn’t want another monthly payment to worry about. I don’t know why I thought monthly was the only option, but I did. When I looked into it again, I realized you could by an ANNUAL plan, and that was the one that made complete sense to me. Not only did that mean I only had to make ONE payment per year, it meant that I would have access to ALL of Beachbody’s programs. Given the value of having access to ALL of them, including any new ones that come out in the future, I felt the cost was super reasonable, especially considering the cost of a single program on DVD. Signing up for the service became a no brainer. And really, if I am going to pay for ANY subscription service (like I already do with all of the other TV subscriptions), it makes the most sense to prioritize the one that will improve my health rather than encourage me to sit on the couch and deteriorate.

In short, the following are the reasons why I felt Beachbody on Demand was a great idea:

  1. You get a whole library full of workout programs instructed by great trainers.
  2. It gives you access to many of the amazing Beachbody programs that are only accessible through the Beachbody on Demand service.
  3. If you get bored with one workout program or decide it’s not for you, you can simply try a different one.
  4. There are programs for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of fitness.
  5. There are programs for cardio, weight training, flexibility, yoga, meditation, everything you need to have well-rounded physical fitness.
  6. It’s a subscription service you can truly feel great about paying for because it encourages you to be healthy! This is a subscription to self-care!
  7. Exercise = self-care, energy, happiness, better focus, more self-confidence, etc.

Why I decided to become an Independent Beachbody Coach:

So, after I’d already decided I was going to sign up for the Beachbody on Demand service, I was talking to my friend Tina and she mentioned the new workout program that was coming out, #mbf. She showed me a sample and I was REALLY interested in it, because it was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to lift weights because again, with all of the reading I’ve done on fitness, I knew that lifting weights was the perfect way to tone my body the way I wanted and I wanted to be STRONG. Coaches get early access to the new programs, so she suggested I consider becoming a coach. It’s something I’d actually seriously considered in the past, but the timing felt right this time, so I decided to go for it! Some of my reasons for joining are as follows:

  1. First and foremost, I love to help, guide, and support people, especially emotionally and when making improvements in their lives. It’s something that lights my heart up and is one of the reasons I’m also studying psychology. Not only does regular exercise and a healthy diet improve physical health, but it does wonders for emotional and mental health, so this sort of thing is honestly right up my alley.
  2. I need support, too, and motivation, accountability, all of the good things that come with working in a group, and taking a leadership role tends to motivate me more than just being a group member. It’s also a sure way for me to hold myself accountable because I’m a BIG believer in practicing what I preach.
  3. I needed another stream of income. I’m a big fan of network marketing. I think it gets a bad rep for many, many reasons (which I will go into elsewhere on this blog), but it really is a great way to make extra money, and you don’t HAVE to pressure people into anything to do well. You just share the things you love. I LOVE to talk about the things I love, so it only makes good financial sense to make money on something I’m already going to be doing anyway, especially since my job just cut back my hours. It was really perfect timing for this to be put in front of me again.

If you’d like to check out the Beachbody programs for yourself, please visit my Independent Beachbody Coach website: by clicking here. You’ll find all of the programs that I talk about on this blog there and many, many more.

Beachbody also offers programs that help you to make smart diet choices, which you can find by clicking here. You can learn about choosing foods that fuel your body in portion sizes that line up with your individual needs and goals. If you struggle at all with your diet, these programs can be invaluable when it comes to reaching your fitness goals so definitely check them out and see if they sound right for you.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions at all, please let me know!

April Kolesar
Independent Beachbody Coach

Below, you will find the links to all of the Beachbody programs and products that I talk about on the blog. I’ll add more links as I talk about new things!

Beachbody On Demand (BOD): This service gives you access to all of Beachbody’s workout programs. All you have to do is sign up, download the BOD app or visit the BOD website, log in, and you’re ready to go! You can find more information about pricing by visiting the link, and be sure to check out the annual plan because it’s nice to not have to worry about monthly payments! If you’re interested in a specific program in particular, it’s smart to sign up through that program with a challenge pack, because you get the BOD service plus a bunch of other goodies to help you with the program, all for a great, discounted price.

#mbf (Muscle Burns Fat): This program focuses on building strength. It’s an intermediate program, so it’s best for people who are in decent shape or work out regularly. If you are out of shape, you can still try it but just be sure to watch your heart rate so it doesn’t get too high for too long. This program is fun and it’s a fat scorcher! This also links to #mbf Advanced, which is a 2nd 3-week program that you can do after you finish with #mbf.

You can also get an #mbf accessory bundle for this program, and I definitely think the BOD rope is a necessity. You CAN do the program without it but you’ll get max results if you use it. Plus, it’s always fun trying to swing it around without hitting yourself (it doesn’t hurt when you do. lol)

3-Week Yoga Retreat: This program can be found on Beachbody On Demand service or is actually available on DVD, which is what you will see if you follow the link. There is a product pack that includes DVDs of the classes, a calendar, quick-start guide, pose tracker, and nutrition guide. If you prefer to do your workouts on your phone, tablet, or laptop, simply sign up for Beachbody On Demand, and log in!

Yoga Mat: If you don’t own a yoga mat, it’s definitely a must have in order to stabilize your body and not slide around while you’re performing the poses. This yoga mat is made with PVC vinyl with embedded fabric mesh, so it’s a great option for those who are allergic to latex. It’s also hand washable. The mat shown in the product photo is blue, but the color you receive may vary.