3-Week Yoga Retreat, Week 2, Day 6 – Relax

I’m really spacing this “week” of videos out and have finally gotten to Day 6, Relax. This one is much needed. I have to take my son for an EEG tomorrow, and I could really use some relaxation tonight. I also have to keep him up until about 4 a.m., so we are doing this video really late tonight!

Before 3-Week Yoga Retreat Day 6 – Relax: It’s 11:36, and I am feeling mildly tired but I’m doing my best to perk up because I have to stay up until 4 a.m., too. I’ve felt pretty good all day though. My legs are feeling yesterday’s video, but it’s not bad at all. I’m just really looking forward to this video because last week’s relax video felt so good to do.

1. Yoga mat. Yoga is really, really difficult to do without a mat because it’s much harder to stabilize yourself and hold the poses without one. If you don’t have one, I really recommend getting one.
2. Optional yoga block. This is handy to have if you aren’t flexible or have poor balance and could use the extra support. I don’t have one and it’s definitely not required.

After 3-Week Yoga Retreat Day 6 – Relax: That one felt good and was full of slow, relaxing poses, although low lunge is never relaxing for me because my hips are always tight from sitting all day, but the rest of the poses were great. This would be a great video to do when you’re feeling anxious because it’s just so calming. It felt a little less relaxing to do tonight since my kids are both awake, and I was the only one doing the video and my cat kept walking under me in circles while I was doing downward dog. haha. But it still felt good to do, and I’d like to do this one again maybe over the weekend after a day of working hard around the house.

I’ll be skipping my workout tomorrow as I’ll have a long day of riding 2 hours to take my son for a 3-hour test, and I won’t be running on much sleep myself, so I’m sure I’ll be exhausted by the time I get home, so check back on Friday for my thoughts on the Take 10 videos!

Thanks for reading! Have a great night! And if you’d like to try yoga or any of Beachbody’s programs, please let me know! I would love to both help you get started and to encourage and be there for you as you work for the program!

April Kolesar
Independent Beachbody Coach

P.S. The date of this post will show August 20th because I’m posting it after midnight, but this workout was done on August 19th 🙂