3-Week Yoga Retreat, Week 2, Day 1 – Core

Today starts week 2 of Beachbody’s 3-Week Yoga Retreat! Week 1 was a lot of fun, and I’m really enjoying it so far, so I’m excited to see what week 2 brings. This week is outlined pretty much the same as last week was, beginning with “Core,” but most definitely with greater difficulty and some new moves as last week was “Foundation” week, and this week is “Expansion” week.

Before 3-Week Yoga Retreat, Day 1 – Core: It’s 8:47 p.m. I didn’t sleep very well last night and worked today as well as did some more work around the house, so I’m feeling sleepy and my back hurts a bit from lifting all of those boxes yesterday. My shoulders are also still feeling a bit sore and cracky, but they feel better than they did yesterday, so that’s good! Other than that, I’m feeling good! I feel like my breathing has been better lately and it’s easier for me to be able to breathe deep when I start feeling anxious, like doing yoga is training me to breathe. It’s one of the things I’m loving about it!

1. Yoga mat. Yoga is really, really difficult to do without a mat because it’s much harder to stabilize yourself and hold the poses without one. I learned this from doing PiYo in the past, so if you don’t have one, I really recommend getting one.
2. Optional yoga block. This is handy to have if you aren’t flexible or have poor balance and could use the extra support. I don’t have one and it’s definitely not required.

After 3-Week Yoga Retreat, Day 1 – Core: Those videos go by so fast. It does NOT seem like a half hour. This one not only worked my core, but my legs, too! Those low lunges are killer when you add a twist, especially when you also have to try to balance. haha. I kept falling over. Room for improvement!

I love that these videos start with seated deep breathing at the beginning and the end because I can tell I’ve made progress during the workout because I feel different the 2nd time we do the seated breathing. It’s easier to sit up and I feel more relaxed and longer, so clearly yoga is doing something good for my body. It’s good motivation to continue every day and I haven’t yet regretted doing it, even when I have to work out late at night.

Another great thing is these videos seem to involve hip stretching almost every day, which is GREAT for me especially because I sit all day long at work. If you also have a desk job, I highly recommend doing yoga after work.

Tomorrow’s video, much like week 1’s day 2 video, is titled “Stretch.” I’m really looking forward to it because I remember that one feeling really good last week and I love a good stretch. Check back tomorrow if you’d like to hear my thoughts on that video!

April Kolesar
Independent Beachbody Coach