3-Week Yoga Retreat Week 1, Day 7 – Take 10 – AM, PM, and Abs

Today is day 7 of Beachbody’s 3-week yoga retreat. It’s actually a set of 3 videos designed to be done in the morning to wake up your body, in the middle of the day as an ab workout, and at night before bed to relax and destress. Each video is 10 minutes long. I’m going to just put my review/feelings on all 3 videos here in the same post.

1. Yoga mat. Yoga is really, really difficult to do without a mat because it’s much harder to stabilize yourself and hold the poses without one. I learned this from doing PiYo in the past, so if you don’t have one, I really recommend getting one.
2. Optional yoga block. This is handy to have if you aren’t flexible or have poor balance and could use the extra support. I don’t have one and it’s definitely not required.
3. Towel or sculpting band. This is really only needed if your arms are not flexible enough to touch reach behind you. So if you’re flexible, you won’t need to use a towel or band.

Before 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 7 – Take 10 – AM: I was supposed to do this one this morning but the morning kind of got away from me and now it’s 1:54 p.m. lol. I just really like to drink my coffee before I do ANYTHING in the morning and I then started working on refreshing my math skills for a class I have to take this coming semester and forgot about the morning yoga.

Right now, I’m feeling pretty good. My shoulders hurt a little bit though and my shoulder joints are pretty cracky, so I think the work in downward dog is most definitely stressing that joint, but hopefully it’s also strengthening around it. It’s something I’ll have to watch, because I tend to get bursitis really easily.

After 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 7 – Take 10 – AM: That was more relaxing than I was expecting it to be. I don’t know why, but I was expecting some more challenging poses, but if you think about it, this is designed to wake you up, not tire you out. And I do feel more awake. We did lots of 1/2 sun salutations which I think is my favorite workout activity in any video I’ve ever done, ever. You move with the breathing, encouraging you to breathe deep without thinking too much about it, and it just feels really good and open.

This video would be great to do every morning, no matter what your workout plans are for later in the day. I really do feel more energized, and the video was only 10 minutes long. Plus, I didn’t get all sweaty and gross during it, so you don’t even have to worry about a shower after if you don’t have time for one. All you need is a yoga mat and 10 minutes!

Before 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 7 – Take 10 – Abs: It’s now 6:15 and I feel like it’s a good time to do the 2nd video. I’ve been upstairs hauling out closets and I’m feeling a bit fatigued (some of those boxes are LARGE and HEAVY), so I’m drinking some Beachbody Energize. I feel like the stretching will feel really good after lifting such heavy things, and thankfully it’s an ab video not an arm video, so I’m definitely ready to do this one. I actually really like to work out my abs, more than anything else.

After 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 7 – Take 10 – Abs: These videos are so short! They’re over before you even know it. My internet connection was kind of wonky, so the video was a little pixelated at the beginning, but it was still easy to follow. The first half of the video felt a lot like just a warm up and then the last 5 minutes was a good ab workout. We did side planks and usually I have to wear wrist braces when I do that to help support my wrists, so I’ll likely wear them the next time I do one of the ab videos just in case that pose is in there. My wrists are really delicate and typing for hours each day for the last 10 years hasn’t helped.

Anyway, that video was short and sweet and I felt it in my abs, and now I’m off to work on the closet. I’ll be back later for some much-needed relaxation with Take 10 – PM!

Before 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 7 – Take 10 – PM: It’s 10:10 p.m. I have my closet all back together, have worked really hard around the house today, and now it’s time for 10 more minutes of yoga, this time focusing on relaxing! As tired as I’m feeling, this is much needed because I’ve been lifting heavy boxes all day, so I’m looking forward to it! I definitely got an arm workout today. haha

After 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 7 – Take 10 – PM: Well that was nice and relaxing. Definitely a good one to do at the end of the day, before bed. It was full of nice, long, gentle stretches and deep breathing. I really enjoyed it and now I’m sleepy and relaxed, which is the whole point.

Overall, a great series of videos. I feel like I did a lot of yoga today, even though they were 10-minute increments but each section was quick and it was a nice way to break up the harder work during my day today.

Tomorrow is the beginning of week 2, and we’re back to working on the core with most definitely harder poses than last week’s core video. I’m interested to see what it will be like. Check back tomorrow for my thoughts, and if you’re interested in joining along, please let me know!

April Kolesar
Beachbody Independent Coach