3-Week Yoga Retreat Week 1, Day 2 – Stretch

Today is Day 2 of the Beachbody 3-Week Yoga Retreat program that I’ve decided to try. The video today is called “Stretch,” which sounds like heaven, especially since I’m feeling so tired, and stretching always feels good to me. The first week in the series is called Foundation Week, because the instructor is basically just teaching how to properly do the moves, be mindful of your breathing, and things like that. There are also short instructional videos for beginners available that you can watch before you start the program that show you how to do several different moves. If you start the program and find you’re having trouble with any of the moves, it’s a good idea to go watch the video for whatever move is troubling you.

Before 3-Week Yoga Retreat Day 2 – Stretch: It’s 8:17 and I’m doing this a little later than usual because I’ve been so incredibly tired all day. I had my echocardiogram this morning at 10 and didn’t sleep well at all last night. I just kept waking up. I didn’t have much work today, so I was able to take a nap, but when I woke up I felt like that prickly, weak sort of tiredness. Just absolutely drained. I ate dinner though and read for a bit, and that seems to have helped. Now I’m just really tired rather than incredibly tired. haha. I’d love to just relax all night, but I’m going to do Day 2 because I really think the stretching will help and I’m also committed to doing this program every day, no matter how tired I feel. An injury is a legitimate excuse to skip a workout, but tiredness is not. My back has hurt a bit all day, too, and I think doing yoga will help to loosen that up.

My internet is kind of spotty tonight, but the good thing about Beachbody’s On Demand service is that I can use my unlimited cell service if I have to and I also have the option to download the program onto my iPad beforehand. I really like to use my iPad when I’m working out because I can easily reposition it between floor work and standing work so I can more easily see the instructor. I like it much better than my TV (especially since my TV is high on top of a fireplace) because I can actually see what the instructor is doing without having to strain my neck. It’s really been helpful! And if my Internet goes out, I can easily tether my cell phone service to my iPad.

1. Yoga mat. Yoga is really, really difficult to do without a mat because it’s much harder to stabilize yourself and hold the poses without one. I learned this from doing PiYo in the past, so if you don’t have one, I really recommend getting one.
2. Optional yoga block. This is handy to have if you aren’t flexible or have poor balance and could use the extra support. I don’t have one and it’s definitely not required.
3. Towel or stretch band. This is used in a few of the poses to help the legs get a deeper stretch and also to adjust body position if needed due to previous injuries or inflexibility. It’s good to have one nearby, just in case you need it.

After 3-week Yoga Retreat Day 2 – Stretch: Woowwww. That one felt GOOOD to do. haha. I’m so glad I did it. I still feel sleepy but I’m also feeling more refreshed and open, if that makes sense. There was a lot of stretching in the hip area, and I really need that because that’s part of the reason my lower back hurts a lot. I have a sedentary desk job, so I carry a lot of tension from sitting all day.

The caption of the video says “Release tension in muscles throughout your body with a variety of poses that will make you feel good all over.” And it wasn’t kidding. There’s also a nice shoulder and chest stretch to open up that area that felt really good.

Of note, my internet was definitely an issue tonight. I decided to just do the workout using my phone, and it worked really well. There are also settings on the app where you can adjust the screening quality. Adjusting to a lower quality (like standard definition over high definition) allows the video to stream more smoothly with a poor internet connection. It’s a great feature to use if you forgot to download the video earlier today like I did. haha.

Tomorrow’s video is “Balance,” so that should be a good one, too. Let’s see how many times I fall over. Check back tomorrow for more, and if you’re interested in doing this program with me or any of Beachbody‘s other programs, let me know!

April Kolesar
Independent Beachbody Coach