3-Week Yoga Retreat Week 1, Day 1 – Core

As I said in the last post, I’ve decided to begin the 3-Week Yoga Retreat program as a low-impact, beginner workout option while I wait for clearance from my doctor on working out more vigorously.

I’m drinking the Energize Performance supplement while I write this, not because I think I’ll really need it (because I don’t expect the workout to be that intense), but I just genuinely like the stuff. haha. I worked today, and that always wears me out even though I’m just sitting at a computer all day, and Energize perks me up. It also gives me a bit of a niacin flush.

Before 3-Week Yoga Retreat Day 1 – Core: It’s 7:17. I took a nap earlier so I’m not terribly tired, but I definitely feel more like relaxing on the couch than working out. I’m generally just sort of feeling blah. I haven’t worked out in a bit, so I’m feeling ready to get back into it, and this drink is definitely starting to kick in. It’s amazing how drinking Energize makes me feel more ready to work out. The niacin flush also gets me moving because my skin feels prickly against the chair, so sitting doesn’t sound so great anymore. The niacin flush usually goes away quickly after I start the workout.

1. Yoga mat.
Yoga is really, really difficult to do without a mat because it’s much harder to stabilize yourself and hold the poses without one. I learned this from doing PiYo in the past, so if you don’t have one, I really recommend getting one.
2. Optional yoga block. This is handy to have if you aren’t flexible or have poor balance and could use the extra support. I don’t have these and they’re definitely not required.

After 3-Week Yoga Retreat Day 1 – Core: Wow, well that was a better workout than I expected it to be. I don’t think I’ve ever done just simple Yoga. I LOVE Pilates and I’ve done PiYo, which mixes the two, but this Yoga core video actually had my legs burning. I also love the deep breathing and that the instructor reminds you to breathe in deep all the way through it. Afterwards, my lungs felt really good and open. My back hurts a bit, but it’s very mild and we did some poses which worked that area, so it should actually help to strengthen it so that it doesn’t hurt every day.

Overall, that was a great workout and I’m glad I tried it. Even though it is low impact, I feel like I will definitely see some good benefits with continuing to do it. Tomorrow’s video is called Stretch and that sounds like it will feel great, so I’m looking forward to it! Check back tomorrow for another post, and thank you for reading!

April Kolesar
Independent Beachbody Coach